והוא מפרט: "הטקסט נלקח מספרו של ד"ר טל בן-שחר, באושר ובאושר. המטרה שלי הייתה להגיש טקסט אשר עוסק בתחום ה"עזרה העצמית", באופן שיגרום לצופה לא להיות ציני כלפיו. מטרה נוספת בפרוייקט, שהונחה על ידי ארז גביש, הייתה לבחון את עניין הקריאות בתנועה, על ידי הצגת אפשרויות קריאה לא מקובלות ובחינת הגבולות שלהן."
אפשרויות קריאה לא מקובלות. פונט שלוותה, כפי שהוא מופיע בסרט

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Shalvata typeface, in motion
In his final project in Typography in Motion class, Dani Wolf, a Bezalel Academy student, chose to use the Hebrew font Shalvata.
He explains: “The text is taken from the book “Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment”, written by Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar. My goal was to present this “self-improvement” text in a way that the viewer will not feel cynical towards it. Another goal of this project, led by Erez Gavish, was to examine the matter of readability in motion, by introducing exceptional ways of reading and testing their boundaries.”
In his final project in Typography in Motion class, Dani Wolf, a Bezalel Academy student, chose to use the Hebrew font Shalvata.
He explains: “The text is taken from the book “Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment”, written by Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar. My goal was to present this “self-improvement” text in a way that the viewer will not feel cynical towards it. Another goal of this project, led by Erez Gavish, was to examine the matter of readability in motion, by introducing exceptional ways of reading and testing their boundaries.”