החשיבות העצומה של הלוגוטייפ הזה (שעוצב במקור ככרזה להפגנה ורק אחר כך אומץ על ידי התנועה כסמליל המזהה אותה), היא בעצם פריצת ה"טאבואים" המודרניסטיים, השימוש המדוייק והאלגנטי בסמלי עבר "אידיאלי" (אות קורן המסוגננת לעילא, בהתבסס על אותיות דפוס תנ"כיות, ב"שלום"), ובעתיד אוטופי (אות חיים הנשענת על עקרונות הבאוהאוס, ב"עכשיו") גם יחד. זהו אחד הסמלילים ההיברידיים הראשונים בעברית, וכזה שפתח את הדלת לאמירה טיפוגרפית שאיננה אחת, אלא בעלת מספר רבדים, לכאורה מנוגדים, הפועלים באפקטיביות ובהרמוניה מפתיעה, להעברת מסר רב עוצמה.

לוגו שלום עכשיו הוא כבר ממזמן לא רק לוגו, אלא אייקון ישראלי, ומאז שנוצר "זכה" לחיקויים ולפראפרזות רבות מספור, מוצדקות יותר או פחות. אביא כאן שתי דוגמאות מתוך רבות: האחת, "גיוס" הלוגו בידי אמן גרפיטי אנונימי למאבק להחזרת גלעד שליט; והשניה - כאריזה טרנדית למשקה שוקולד (!).

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“Peace now” logo, 1978
Half serif, half sans serif; half print black, half protest red; half Jewish tradition, half a secular scream. David Tartakover himself stated that “the novelty of the Peace now logo was the integration of two fonts, this was against everything I was taught in design school”. This novelty was precisely what enabled one of the highlights in Israeli typography.
The great importance of this logotype (designed originally as a poster for a demonstration, and only later adopted by the movement as its representing logo), is actually in breaking modernistic taboos, the elegant and accurate use of “ideal” past symbols (the highly stylized Koren letter, based on Biblical print letters in the word “shalom”- “peace”) and utopian future (Haim letter based on the Bauhaus principles in the word “achshav”- “now”).
This is one of the first Hebrew hybrid logos, and one that opened the door to a typographic statement composed with more than one layer, layers that are seemingly contrasting, but work effectively and in surprising harmony, to deliver a powerful message.
The Peace now logo is no longer a mere logo, it is an Israeli icon, and since created, it was imitated and paraphrased many times, some more justified than others. I will present two examples: one, is when an anonymous graffiti artist used the logo in the struggle to retrieve Gilad Shalit, the other – as a trendy packaging for a chocolate drink.
“Peace now” logo, 1978
Half serif, half sans serif; half print black, half protest red; half Jewish tradition, half a secular scream. David Tartakover himself stated that “the novelty of the Peace now logo was the integration of two fonts, this was against everything I was taught in design school”. This novelty was precisely what enabled one of the highlights in Israeli typography.
The great importance of this logotype (designed originally as a poster for a demonstration, and only later adopted by the movement as its representing logo), is actually in breaking modernistic taboos, the elegant and accurate use of “ideal” past symbols (the highly stylized Koren letter, based on Biblical print letters in the word “shalom”- “peace”) and utopian future (Haim letter based on the Bauhaus principles in the word “achshav”- “now”).
This is one of the first Hebrew hybrid logos, and one that opened the door to a typographic statement composed with more than one layer, layers that are seemingly contrasting, but work effectively and in surprising harmony, to deliver a powerful message.
The Peace now logo is no longer a mere logo, it is an Israeli icon, and since created, it was imitated and paraphrased many times, some more justified than others. I will present two examples: one, is when an anonymous graffiti artist used the logo in the struggle to retrieve Gilad Shalit, the other – as a trendy packaging for a chocolate drink.